About Us
The Founding Team

Since 2015, I have been giving regular training on taping and I really wanted to integrate trigger point treatment into taping - for a long-term effect even after physiotherapy. That's where I got the idea, which I first implemented with the help of a pea.

I got to know Bastian and Jan following my skateboard accident with subsequent acromioclavicular joint separation. So, in a way, the invention of our trigger button is due to my accident. I myself support the company as a product designer.

Jan and I are not only work colleagues, we have also become real friends through our work. Together we want to alleviate as many ailments as possible and promote mobility.

I am a media designer and therefore mainly responsible for our marketing/branding. Jan is my cousin - when it became clear that the trigger button had business potential, he brought me on board early to create initial marketing materials and our website.
Pain, ease up!
As taping specialists, we deal with pain and tension. That's exactly why it's such a wonderful feeling when we can soothe or relieve them. In our search for a long-term trigger effect that would continue to work after the actual therapy and not result in any restrictions to everyday mobility, a skateboard accident and a pea finally came to our rescue. Lars was the one with the skateboard accident and subsequent acromioclavicular joint separation. He kept confirming that it was a very specific spot that was particularly painful. As soon as pressure was applied to this point during physiotherapy, it released and the pain was noticeably reduced.

The pea idea
This gave Jan the idea that something very small would have to act on the pain point - continuously all day long. At first, peas, lentils and a 1 cent coin had to serve as test objects to build up the necessary pressure on the pain point. The shape of the pea was most suitable for this purpose. Lars now came into play again, immediately producing the first prototypes from resin using a 3D printer - without any peas at all. This was later followed by precision-cast silicone prototypes, which we successfully gave to family and friends for testing. The result was not only our own company, but also the TRIGGin trigger button, which, like a pea, exerts permanent pressure on the pain point.
The idea in a nutshell.
Small things often have a big impact. The same applies to the TRIGGin trigger button. The small dot works right where the pain is. This pain point, known as a trigger point, is a specific spot in the muscle, often only a few millimeters in size, which has reduced blood supply and is no longer receiving sufficient oxygen. It is palpable and causes local or radiating pain when pressure is applied. Trigger points are usually caused by overexertion, strains, injuries, tension or stress. In simple terms, this area has contracted and can no longer release itself.
Dragon's Den Germany
Fortunately completely painless for the founders.

TRIGGin in the dragon's den
Of course we were excited when we stood in front of the dragons and had to present our product. However, we can handle pressure and also got a really painless "treatment" from the dragons - because we apparently hit just the right spot with the TRIGGin trigger button.

Ralf and Carsten made the deal
When Ralf and Casten offered us the deal, it was clear: We had actually done it. And we couldn't stop grinning. We certainly benefited from the fact that everyone knew what we were talking about - because dragons are also familiar with shoulder, neck and back pain from their own experience. Thanks to TRIGGin, there will hopefully be significantly less now.